Solusi Sharing file xp dengan vista bermasalah

Bagaimana kita Sharing File apabila dalam system operasi windows Vista Bermasalah, Disini akan sedikit dulas bagaimana cara windows xp dengan vista bisa saling bertukar informasi dan berkomuniasi, Ada penyebab yang menyebabkan Sistem windows vista tidak bisa share: Sistem kemamanan Network NTLMv2 yang ada pada vista saja.

Langkah- langkah men nonaktifkan NTLMv2 :

  1. Disable UAC

- jalankan perintah "Run" dengan cara menekan tombol Windows+R di desktop
-ketik "msconfig", enter
-pilih tab "tools"
-scroll ke bawah sampe ketemu "Disable UAC", pilih dan klik "Launch"
-akan muncul layar command prompt, sekarang sudah mati nion-68:
-exit, dan klik ok. Restart komputer.

  1. Matikan NTLMv2

- kalo sudah disable UAC (kalo tidak mematikan bisa denganc ara ini), sekarang kita matiin NTLMv2:
-jalankan perintah "Run" dengan cara menekan tombol Windows+R di desktop
-ketik "secpol.msc", enter
-klik "Local Policies"
-klik "Security Options"
-scroll ke bawah, cari "Network Security: LAN Manager Authentication Level", klik kanan, pilih "Properties"
-dari scroll box, pilih "Send LM & NTLM - Use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated", klik ok

mumpung sudah di layar security options, kalo mau bisa sekalian matiin feature yang cukup menggangu dari Vista: untuk koneksi file sharing antara Vista dengan OS yang lain, dia selalu minta komputer tersebut punya username dan password. Sebenernya gua juga kurang ngerti cara ngeset password nya. Jadi, matikan aja, biar Guest dan siapapun bisa akses ke file yang telah saya share (lagipula kita bisa ngeset supaya file yang kita share cuman "Read-only", jadi tidak masalah). Cara mematikannya:
-masih di "Security Options"
-pilih "Network Access: Let Everyone Permissions Apply to Anonymous Users" --> set ke "Enable"
-pilih "Network Access: Restrict Anonymous Access to Named Pipes and Shares" --> set ke "Disable"
-nah, beres sudah. Somoga berhasil, dan membantu Teman Teman…

For English : how do we sharing when in system windows operation vista vb4, here a little dulas how does windows manner xp with vista mutual can swop information and communication, there cause that causes windows system vista can not share: system kemamanan network ntlmv2 exist in vista.

steps men deactivate ntlmv2:

1. menyable uac

- run command" run" by button windows+r at desktop
-ketik" msconfig" , enter
-pilih tab" tools"
-scroll downwards sampe meet" menyable uac" , choose and click" launch"
-a appear sail command prompt, now die nion-68:
-exit, and click ok. restart computer.

2. kill ntlmv2

- kalo menyable uac (kalo not lethal denganc this fig), now we matiin ntlmv2:
-jalan command" run" by button windows+r at desktop
-ketik" secpol. msc" , enter
-klik" local policies"
-klik" security options"
-scroll downwards, look for" network security: lan manager authentication level" , click right, choose" properties"
-dari scroll box, choose" send lm ntlm - use ntlmv2 session security if negotiated" , click ok

3. optional
as long as at sail security options, kalo want can all matiin feature enough harry from vista: for file connection sharing between vista with os other, he always ask computer has username and password. sebener also less ngerti manner ngeset his password. so, kill aja, let guest and whoever can access to file that i share (besides we can ngeset so that file whom we share only" read-only" , so not problem). the lethal manner:
-masih at" security options"
-pilih" network access: let everyone permissions apply to anonymous users" --> set to" enable"
-pilih" network access: restrict anonymous access to named pipette and shares" --> set to" menyable"
-nah, neat. somoga success, and help friends

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